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love one’s neighbor as oneself
爱人如己  detail>>
love your neighbor
爱你的邻居 爱你的邻舍  detail>>
love one
爱上一个人  detail>>
one love
第二张专集 蔫瘤唱 莫莫 唯一 一份爱 一个爱 一种爱  detail>>
extend love of oneself to others
爱己及物  detail>>
one love, one lifetime
此生此情不渝  detail>>
as if one landed oneself in a dream
如入梦幻  detail>>
as one has admitted oneself to be
自己承认的  detail>>
leave one by oneself
把…单独留下 把某人独自留下  detail>>
on one’s own = by oneself
属于某人自己的  detail>>
on one’s own=by oneself=alone
独自  detail>>
one is firmly established by oneself
卓然自立  detail>>
 n.  1.邻人,邻居;邻近的人;邻国(人)。 2.邻座(的人);邻接的东西。 3.同胞;世人。 4.(对任何不知姓名的人的直接称呼)朋友...  detail>>
love to eat and drink and enjoy oneself
爱吃好喝  detail>>
force one’s company or oneself on sb
硬缠着某人  detail>>
one cannot do such a thing for oneself
这样的事情独自一个人是做不起来的  detail>>
blue one love
独爱  detail>>
dedicated to the one i love
为爱献身 只给我爱的人  detail>>